Saturday, March 6, 2021

Altars of the Feminine Sacred by Wild Women Priestesses

"While whirling in sanctuaries

and prostrating on altars

of a Church that 

refused to love Her,

a labyrinth of fragile strength

was knit inside me

where I walked for miles

without a destination.

Barbara Billey

Lillian's Altar

Rhea's Altars

Jeni's Altars

Barbara's Altars

Dagmar's Altars

Mary Grace's Altar

Ode to my V

My  darkness, my light my delight—

Source of warmth, wildness, and might—

Pathway to wisdom, discovery, insight—

Source of pain and pleasure

Containment for life’s treasure

Treasure untold

Continuing to unfold

Always in process to enfold

My vulva, my center, 

Is brilliant, is bold, 

Enfleshed in the colors of pink and gold.

Black Madonna is she, 

Hidden but free,

Given to me

As empowerment to be.

Kim's Altars

Marg's Altars

Sydney's Altar 

Joanna's Altar

Eucharistic Prayer of the Cosmos

Eucharistic Prayer of the Cosmos